💡GWFESTIVAL 01 – Zero waste, Climate change, Plastic Pollution: The secrets behind conserving the Environment as a Youth💡
📥Register yourself at greenwelfare.org/events
🌿 We are thrilled to announce Green Welfare’s first educational virtual workshop! For our first episode, we will be concerning about three plaguing environment issues with various young & millennial change makers from @greenpeaceid @climate_science @seamonkeyproject @makeachangeworld @zerowaste.id_official @arisearose 🌿
Our environment is disintegrating. As every year passes, we have seen the effects of Climate Change unfold in front of us. Forests are burning, glaciers are melting and numerous other tragedies have occurred. The youths play a key role in fighting this as they our future and so we have to educate ourselves and take a stand because there is no Planet B 🌍
One of the goals Green Welfare has committed to ensure responsible consumption and sustainability towards our environment. We have to decide to take it a step further and educate the public on how to achieve this through this webinar with many amazing change makers from around the globe!
Theme: Zero waste, Climate Change, Plastic Pollution: The secrets behind conserving the Environment as a Youth
📆 25th & 26th September 2020
*Joining both meetings are recommended!
💸 Free
⏳ 16.00 – 18:00 WIB
Let’s be the change!
#zwidevent #zwidforbeginner #belajarzerowaste #zerowasteindonesia #zerowasteid #normalinyuk